Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Silliest Dog Ever

This dog and I played and played and played in this pool. Earlier we had one of those big beach balls, it lasted about 30 minutes before *pop* her nails got it. She loves soccer, she doesn't care if her ball isn't regulation. I throw she brings it back. She has incredible control over the ball. It is wild watching her manipulate it, making it go where she wants. Back to me so I can throw it in the pool ~splash~, then here she comes >vv< She is so much fun. We had to replace the pool you see here. I drain and turn it over to dry. I don't want to breed mosquitos. I fogot to lock it up in the run we don't use anymore. So she chewed a hole it in, punishing it for it's lack of water! We bought an even bigger pool and I can get into my bathing suit and lounge with my doggie. Great fun! This is the genuine article water dog! I'm gonna need to get her a life jacket when for when we venture beyond the backyard!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

You want me to do what with MY dog?

I have a bit of (apparently) *earth shattering* news. Dogs are predators. They belong to entire group of mammals called carnivores that eat other beasties for a living. The biggest clue to this stunning new information would be their canines (usually large often pointy teeth). Let me give you a moment to catch your breath, I know that bit of information can be overwhelming.

I have shared my living space with a lot of dogs. I love dogs. I have been called on to do temperament evaluation and training for Boxer rescue. I have volunteered as a trainer at Town Lake Animal. There are dogs that should and need to be destroyed because they have unprovoked seriously injured or killed a person. Seen 'em up close. It's always sad and usually the fault of a cruel or stupid human. The point I'm getting to is that if I lived with a dog for say a year or so I'd probably catch on (quickly) if they were a danger and act accordingly. That means I would take them to my vet and have the animal humanely destroyed before anyone else could get hurt. I say anyone else because in all likelyhood I would be the first someone to get hurt. To date I have never had a dog in my home that I felt was a genuine human threat.

I have a dog for adoption that will be the only dog in the home where ever she is placed mostly because she would be happiest that way. I have had her around children, cats, other dogs and adults. She is perfectly safe. She is in no way to be trusted around poultry which brings me to my bitch. I go on a lot of home visits, I met people and invariably learn things about *my dog* I would not otherwise know. I stress that she is my dog because until I relinquish ownership that is exactly what she is. I have not raised her from a puppy, there are unknowns. I took my dog on a home visit to the country. She got along with his very large farm dog. Everything went fine for 2 hours we decided to give a weeks trial. As we were leaving both dogs chased and played with the man's turkey and it died.

I sent the man a check for $50.00 to cover the expense of the lost turkey.

2 weeks later I received a very cordial letter that contained an earnest plea that I destroy my dog as a dangerous animal.

Lets review the facts:

  1. Monkey is a dog.
  2. Dogs are by nature predatory animals
  3. This is her only act of predatory behavior that I know of
  4. I've had her over a year
  5. Whatever she did, she didn't do it alone
  6. Turkeys are prey animals

I am not destroying my dog. I don't quite understand his thinking but the whole experience has been a bit surreal.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Hubby has had to cope with some sort of health problem or the other. None have been minor. All scary. It's the moments before you know what you are actually dealing with that are the most frightening. We have gotten lucky once or twice and had an over zealous doctor (a good thing) test for the outer limits. I think that is what is going on now. I'm still scared and I'm not good talking about it. Fortunately I have a lot on my plate so I can usually avoid thinking too much. He can't and I cannot begin to imagine how terrified he is. It's not fair that someone so sweet should have to deal with this sort of crap when he hasn't even hit 40. It's the unfairness that really eats at him. There is never anything I can say except 'I am here with you'.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

{crazy} pile of dogs?

Four dogs were crazy. Three were at least mental. Two? What is two? Safe and Sane Pile of Dogs?

Tizzy Goes Home!

A dog of a friend has been boarding with us. She came with a few health issues, I believe my friend got bad advice from her New Mexico vet. She has been with us 2 months but I really think she goes home a healthier dog and that her mom now knows she has hip dysplasia and not some foreign body in her foot. She can begin treatment now that will extend the usefulness of her hips for many years. She will live many years pain free with the real diagnosis. Hip dysplasia is horrible but it isn't a death sentence. I sent her links and advice. I am glad she came here, Tom and I are good at spotting problems when they're early. I'm also glad she is going home. We addressed her bronchitis, she is eating better and feeling friskier. I am also glad because I was ready for her to go home. She has a good home and it was time for her to go there.