Thursday, May 31, 2007

How It Went

I walk into the director's office and shake hands with Colonel Tommy Davis, assistant director David McEathron and chief of administration Burton Christian and then I sit down.

Thank you for seeing me

Here is the letter from my doctor directing
me not to work 30 days while I underwent treatment and medication adjustment.

I hand him the letter.

I presented this letter to my immediate supervisor who was aware I had exhausted
my Family Medical Leave.

I expected and was prepared for him to ask me why all my FMLA was exhausted but he didn't ask.

While I was out I followed the procedure of calling in everyday as requested
by my immediate supervisor.

When I returned to work I did so with written notification from my

The treatment and new medication regimen were successful. I have never felt
so well as I do now, any work issues prior to this have been resolved.

I expected and was prepared for him to ask me what the work issues were but he didn't ask.

This letter reconfirms that my doctor took me off work for treatment and
medication adjustment.

I hand him the second letter.

In this letter my doctor offers to speak with you regarding my situation.
I am a good employee and have done my job very well with high production and low
errors for 8 years. I am proud to work for law enforcement, I believe we do good
and important work here.

He asked me if I had been counseled since my return to work. I said 'no, sir'. He asked me if I had missed any work since returning, I told him the only time I had missed was for doctor's appointments. He asked me how many doctor appointments a month did I have. I told him I saw one doctor once a month and the other doctor biweekly.

Then he asked me what purpose would it serve having me returned to work. Aha! I had planned for this question.

I am an experienced fingerprint technician. As I understand it my section needs
to hire 4 new fingerprint technicians as it is. I am already trained and ready
to work.

Then he asked me what would I do [with me] if I were in his shoes. I told him I don't believe I would fire me, I said I would probably demote me. He sort of laughed and said, "demote you to what?" I told him I was a Fingerprint Technician II and that I could be demoted to a Fingerprint Technician I. If he is leaning toward keeping me, which I believe he is, it gives him a very convenient punishment. By asking me what would I do he gave me the opportunity for a very smart (I think) answer. It is a solution that allows him to take some sort of action, which he probably has to, while still allowing me to keep my job.

I believe he is leaning toward keeping me because as my meeting with him came to a close he mentioned that his secretary told him my doctor wished to speak with him. I said yes, she offers to speak with you in the second letter. He left me with the impression that he does in fact intend to call my doctor. Probably a good sign.

My meeting with these men left me with the distinct impression that these are good people. I may or may not get my job back but they were more than fair and treated me with dignity and respect.

If he is unconvinced I can still appeal to the Public Safety Commission.

I was nerve wracked about this meeting. The meeting itself wasn't so bad, would that I could work for these guys. Still, isn't it odd that I would fight this hard for something I'm still not sure I want?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Big Day

Well, tomorrow is my big day. The director of DPS is called the Colonel. Tomorrow I meet with the Colonel.

Saturday we told my parents what had happened. That I was suspended with pay pending my meeting with the Colonel. To my parents any employment outside of state employment is literally unthinkable. My dad was in the army for 22 years after which he retired from the state of Texas. He believes in things he feels he can count on. My suspension for him was a call to arms.

I suffered through a grueling braionstorm session in which we, well I should say he and Tom, mapped out exactly what I would say to this man. I guess my dad felt that a memorized speech would be the best way to go.

Instead I have opted for 3x5 cards, things I plan to say plus answers to likely questions. I hope, I guess, that I have a plan for success.

I have all the requesite letters from my doctor and from the Colonel. I have my dress and shoes laid out. My nails are painted, I even bought hair mousse today.

All this effort for something I'm not even sure I want back.

Friday, May 25, 2007

A Space To Live In

Since being fired, well...not actually fired, I'm on administrative leave with pay pending my meeting with the director of DPS, I have made good use of my time. I am completely finished with painting the living room yellow! It is bright warm and inviting. We moved the entertainment center across the room (which began my all out war against dust and cobwebs), put down a huge cranberry carpet (I'm forcibly reminded of a lemon/raspberry sorbet...which I love!), arranged the furniture and put up the artwork. When you come down the hallway into the living room it looks so warm and inviting. I'm just thrilled with it!

As an added bonus, the lack of slipping and sliding all over the tile floor keeps the girls from playing too rough. I had to yell "OFF!" a few times (they are not allowed to rough house on the couches) and finally gave each a pat on the behind. They are playing nicely and seem to be enjoying the 'new' living room as well.

If an item didn't belong in the living room it was shunted to the dining room table. So, now I am clearing off the table and recleaning the kitchen. Much easier to do since my last war on the kitchen.

The next project will be painting the kitchen. Tom picked out a pastel melon color which compliments both the yellow in the living room and the chocolate brown trim color. Painting the kitchen will involve first scrubbinng the walls to get the (yuck) grease off the walls. I had no idea. When that is done the actual painting will go much easier because I won't be trying to first cover super dark panelling.

Home Depot sent someone out to measure for our new backdoor. The price they came up with was $815.00. We thought that was ridiculous. On Wednesday a guy from Lowes came out, said that he could do it for about half that! Lowes rocks! Home Depot sucks!

I probably should feel fearful or be full of self-abasement over the loss, or potential loss of my job but I'm not. I'm happy and productive. My biggest fear is that of actually getting the job back.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Well, it's not really a surprise. The 4 weeks I took off to straighten out my meds and go through the AIOP program was just too much, I guess. I am following the appeals process and will keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I have some really wonderful parents! They drive me a little nutty sometimes, but on the whole they are usually kind and generous people. To help us move out of a house we don't like in a neighborhoood that can be dangerous they have offered to finance the cost of getting the house ready for market. This week I am getting a beautiful new back door with a great big window to let the light in a little. The nice guys from home depot will be coming out this week to measure. The other home improvement that is already done is that we have one wall that used to be ugly, dark panelled wood is now a cheerful pastel yellow! It's hard to be depressed in the company of yellow! YYYAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

For Serif: The Flying Tree

Tanta loves to tell me this
In a whisper, with a kiss

When you grow up, you will be
A great big girl flying tree

Far to great to be told 'no!'
Where ever you want, you can go

You'll always be where the sun is high
When the moon rises it's time to fly

Across the continents and the sea
No ocean is too deep for thee

As a flying tree you'll freely pass
Never be told 'you're just a lass'

You'll never run from things that scare
You will dance and sing in front of their lair

No fire will burn a flying tree
You'll just take a dip in a cool green sea

Can you see how free you'll be?
Flying 'round this big tree thee!

Free, safe and happy, seeing it all
Tanta tells me this when she comes to call

Yes, this is what she says to me
You'll be a great big girl flying tree
Anything you desire

Your Tanta

{I reserve the right to treat this as a work in progress}

Copyright Patti Patterson 2007

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Good News!

I finally had my meeting with the bureau manager! It went amazingly well! I asked to have my 6 errors during between January and March dismissed. I explained that I had been under a doctor's care and that I was on medication that made me exceptionally drowsy. She agreed! Let me say that again. She agreed! She is still going to hold onto the formal complaint until the temporary disability leave is approved. The reason being is that if it is not approved it comes with it's own consequences. I'm not sure what the consequences for having been out 4 weeks on unapproved leave are but I imagine it could be a dismissal. I am confident that it will be approved. Bipolar is an ADA recognised disability, we filled out the paperwork correctly. If it is disapproved I cannot imagine on what grounds. I believe it will be approved.

The final thing I asked for was a transfer. I said that assuming everything goes my way I would like to be transferred to another section. She said she would see what was open and would infact help me to move!

There is a light at the end 0f the tunnel!
