Friday, March 02, 2007

Just Drugs

No blood clots in my legs! Let me say it again, no blood clots! I was so happy and relieved yesterday! The whole procedure took hours, I fell asleep between having to turn over now and again. Sometimes I was roused by this rushing sound. "Oh, that's just the blood pumping." Weird, huh? They told me that I had no clots because had they found one they couldn't release me however the full results from the study couldn't be released until the doctor had reviewed the ultrasound. I'll admit that made me a little nervous. Around 4:00pm yesterday afternoon I got a call from the doctor's nurse saying all findings were negative, I was clear as bell. Super huge sigh of relief. She did say that support hose would aid in the relief of swelling. Puke! I only wear hose to weddings and funerals. The horrors we have to face as we age. I immediately called my med shrink and let her know that the Geodon was likely causing some swelling in my ankles and calves. She asked if they had listened to my heart and done a kidney analysis. I told her yes to the heart, no to the kidney. She said I'd probably have to get a blood test to be sure. I also told that under no circumstances did I want to give up on Geodon. She knows how I feel about taking a pill to counter the effects of another pill. I told her in this case I'll make an exception.

1 comment:

Missy said...


let me say it again