Friday, August 17, 2007

My New Attitude

Hello again, I know it's been awhile.

I am so happy!

I went to my BF's baby shower yesterday. A whole bunch of my former co-worker's were there. They all had complaints about work, very similar to the ones I used to have. Used to. Very nice couple of words they are.

There were also a couple of former co-workers who, like me, have moved on to greener pastures. Very green in fact. The three of us compared our new jobs to the old ones. Each of us were so amazed to be in jobs where we were treated like adults. Adults!

Finally, one of my former co-workers who is still stuck in hell said, "look, we're all really happy for you, now could you shut the hell up!" Hee hee hee!

I was at my MIL's house Friday night. I walked in and my BIL looked at me and said, "have you lost weight?" I don't know that I have, SIL said that I looked really happy and that happiness can do amazing things (paraphrased).

Apart from being treated with dignity and respect my new job is interesting and exciting as well. When I was first transferred over they started me out doing fairly simple clerical work. I am still working for the state but one agency is taking over the bureau I am currently still in. In this transition period they are creating two new branches and they are using all the same people but they are putting some into newly created positions. I took an aptitude test and have one of the highest scores! I also went over to the new agency's location and 'shadowed' a couple of people who have been moved over. I asked a lot of questions because I really wanted to get a feel for the new jobs being offered. This is exactly what I was supposed to do and was overheard by the Project Manager. When she told me what my new position would she told me she had listened in. She said my questions were "very thought provoking". Me! I am of course waiting for them to figure out I'm not as smart as they first thought.

I am tabling my self doubts as best I can. I am moving forward with the attitude of 'I can do this'. It's very new territory for me.

I almost forgot, my new job is called Use Case/Testing. I will be managing bugs in the system from the point of view of the user. With the rest of the team we will write out (with diagrams!) exactly what the functional requirements of fixes and new business rules are. The technical team will create the software and then we will conduct tests on it. Pretty awesome, I think!

There is one little worry in the back of my mind and that has to do with Manic. Sometimes new happy good things like this can push manic. I am keeping my eye on it. Tom and I talked about this just last night. We are going to plan some fun activities to help me let off some steam. I've got my fingers crossed for loud music and dancing!

1 comment:

Missy said...

I am so happy to see you happy.