Monday, September 03, 2007


It was so good getting to talk to Tom last night after he got home. I told him how I was feeling about my medication. He was worried but glad I was communicating. I am feeling far less angry than I was and I think I've headed off a week of grumpiness. Today we are going to fix my tattoo! Hurray!

His trip went well albeit rather depressing. His mother isn't doing well and has been compeltely abandoned by her other son, Tom's half-brother. She admitted with rue that he was exactly as she had raised him to be only now she is feeling the effects of his disregard for others. I think it is at the same time gratifying and saddening that he is the 'good son'. His mother's heart is broken by his half-brothers absence. The selfish bastard won't even return her phone calls. I am glad that Tom was raised by his dad and step-mom (who is more mom than his mother could ever hope to be). The feeling I have gotten when around his mother and step-brother has always been less familial and more obligatory. Nothing could be further from how it feels around his mom, sister and her family. You know you're among family because it feels like it is supposed to feel.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Sounds like you have had an adventure this weekend. Hang in there and keep writing about it. Like you said, putting it out there helps remind you of the side effects.

I can't wait to see the tattoo. And I am so happy you consider as family and not an obligation.