Thursday, October 19, 2006

Schedules Suck

I got a letter from my doctor's office with lab results. It would seem that I am anemic. The fun part is that I have to take iron supplements. I have to take them 2x a day 30 minutes before eating. My #1 struggle is with scheduling my life. I started keeping a log in late September because I mistakenly took the wrong drug. This doubled me up on that drug which caused problems. My life is full of these mistakes plus common sense stuff I can't get a handle on. The older I get the more neccessary a schedule becomes. I don't mean get up, go to work, come home. I mean all the stuff before, in between and directly after. Left to myself I would probably get tons of stuff started but nothing finished. With a few happy exceptions I don't seem to work on anything but the schedule. That can't be right. Right?

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