Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Aliens, Nessie, Bigfoot and the Chupacabra

I think all the paranormal shit is great! I am not saying I'm convinced, just extremely entertained. Personally, I can't wait until they find the Chupacabra. We had renters from Mexico who all swore they had seen the beast. There is a website which explains how they evolved from seamonkeys! Compelling stuff! I love those shows aimed at uncovering the real truth! I used to think that most of the people they interview were doing it for Warhol's 15 minutes. Now, I think some of these people really believe this shit. October is the best month of the year for this. The networks parade the freakiest people that have ever contacted anybody about their cryptozoologic encounters. I take my place among the lowing herd and watch transfixed. By the end of the show I am so close to buying it all. Lock, stock and barrel. Then I sigh, oh well.
Tom watches a lot of strange TV with me. I amuse and exasperate him. I know sometimes he looks at me and must think 'If I have to watch much more of this I'm gonna snap!'. It didn't help matters when my mother admitted to loving shows on aliens in specific. I was elated! Tom groaned. She's not convinced either. We both think it would be so cool if it were true! Since her revelation I have enjoyed teasing Tom about it. I make mock plans to invite mom over for an all night alien marathon! He usually mumbles something about a strip club.
He is such a good sport! Sometimes, he'll comment on some piece of evidence. He forgets that it is all rubbish and suspends disbelief with me. It's great! He recently made the comment that the 'experts' fear Nessie may be dead. Not Nessie! There haven't been as many recent eyewitness accounts. Nessie is the only monster I really, really, really wanted to exist. She was my first. Tom was disappointed about it with me. How amazing is he? I just adore him!
Last night the remote control got a real workout! Aliens were on the History channel, the Daily Show was on Comedy Central and OReilly was on Fox. I get up during commercials and he took the advantage. Eventually though I realize we've gotten off track and it's back to Aliens. Poor Tom. I think he was hoping Southpark or Drawn Together would be on Comedy Central. That might've put an end to the Alien nonsense.
I'm excited! The closer we get to Halloween the more shows to pick from. It could be a real dilemma choosing which bit of rubbish to watch!
Tonite, it's ZOMBIES!

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