Thursday, October 26, 2006

Anxiously waiting

Tomorrow I get the results of the biopsy. I have a lot of fear about what she has to tell me. In addition I am having problems with the iron supplements. Since I started taking my iron pills I have the sensation of shaking and sometimes I actually shake. This makes no sense to me. This is not supposed to be happening. I will discuss this with her tomorrow at my appointment. I think she is going to talk with me about fibroid tumors. She told me that was part of what the biopsy, that and cancer. The fibroid tumors seems to fit my symptoms. The treatments that have been discussed with me is progesterone pills. I honestly feel that this treatment will be paired with something else. Progesterone alone will not rid me of the of the tumors. The other treatment she discussed was cauterization of the uterus, essentially burning my uterus. Online treatments were D&C and hysterectomy. Those 3 sound they are going to hurt a lot afterward. I know I shouldn't self diagnose even though certain sites are consistently accurate. I am really scared.

Tom was so sweet yesterday. On his way home he grab some steaks, mushrooms and an excellent bottle of wine, Becker's Iconoclast. He cooked me dinner, set the table, poured the wine and lit a candle. Isn't he wonderful?

I think so.

1 comment:

Missy said...

How did it go?